# 一、使用 python 绘制网格分布图像
绘制网格分布图像主要需要使用 plt.fill()
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt | |
import numpy as np | |
length = 5 | |
weight = 3 | |
n_pod = 3 | |
loc_pod = [[0, 0], [2, 2], [3, 1]] | |
loc_station = [5, 1] | |
x, y = [], [] | |
for i in range(len(loc_pod)): | |
x.append(loc_pod[i][0]) | |
y.append(loc_pod[i][1]) | |
plt.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['SimHei'] # 显示中文标签 | |
plt.rcParams['axes.unicode_minus'] = False # 显示中文标签 | |
# 绘制货架 | |
for i in range(len(loc_pod)): | |
plt.fill(np.array([x[i], x[i], x[i]+1, x[i]+1]), np.array([y[i], y[i]+1, y[i]+1, y[i]]), alpha=0.3, facecolor='green') | |
plt.text(x[i]+0.3, y[i]+0.45, '货架' + str(i)) | |
# 绘制拣货台 | |
plt.fill(np.array([loc_station[0], loc_station[0], loc_station[0]+1, loc_station[0]+1]), | |
np.array([loc_station[1], loc_station[1]+1, loc_station[1]+1, loc_station[1]]), alpha=0.3, facecolor='red') | |
plt.text(loc_station[0]+0.3, loc_station[1]+0.45, '拣货台') | |
# 添加网格线 | |
plt.xticks(np.arange(0, 100, 1)) | |
plt.yticks(np.arange(0, 100, 1)) | |
plt.xlim(0, length+1) | |
plt.ylim(0, weight) | |
plt.grid(True) | |
# 添加标题和标签 | |
plt.title("货架分布示意图") | |
plt.xlabel("X") | |
plt.ylabel("Y") | |
# 显示图像 | |
plt.savefig("loc.jpg", | |
bbox_inches="tight", | |
pad_inches=1, | |
transparent=True) |
# 二、使用 python 绘制甘特图
绘制网格分布图像主要需要使用 plt.barh()
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt | |
from functions import * | |
import random | |
import math | |
import time | |
import json | |
def plt_gantt(robot_task, human_task): | |
plt.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['SimHei'] # 显示中文标签 | |
plt.rcParams['axes.unicode_minus'] = False # 显示中文标签 | |
colors = ["r", "pink", "orange", "y", "g", "b", "deeppink", "purple", "brown", "black"] | |
for i in range(len(human_task[0])): | |
plt.barh(y=0, width=human_task[2][i] - human_task[1][i], left=human_task[1][i], edgecolor="black", align='center', | |
color=colors[human_task[0][i]]) | |
if human_task[2][i] - human_task[1][i] > 1.5: | |
plt.text((human_task[2][i] + human_task[1][i]) / 2 - 0.7, 0, '货架' + str(human_task[0][i])) | |
for i in range(len(robot_task)): | |
for j in range(len(robot_task[i][0])): | |
if j == 0: | |
plt.barh(y=i + 1, width=robot_task[i][1][j], left=0, edgecolor="black", align='center', color=colors[robot_task[i][0][j]]) | |
plt.text(0 + robot_task[i][1][j] / 2 - 1, i + 1, '货架' + str(robot_task[i][0][j])) | |
else: | |
plt.barh(y=i + 1, width=robot_task[i][1][j] - robot_task[i][1][j - 1], left=robot_task[i][1][j - 1], edgecolor="black", | |
align='center', color=colors[robot_task[i][0][j]]) | |
plt.text((robot_task[i][1][j - 1] + robot_task[i][1][j]) / 2 - 1, i + 1, '货架' + str(robot_task[i][0][j])) | |
ylabels = [] # 生成 y 轴标签 | |
for i in range(len(robot_task) + 1): | |
if i == 0: | |
ylabels.append("拣货人员") | |
else: | |
ylabels.append("机器人 " + str(i - 1)) | |
plt.yticks(range(len(robot_task) + 1), ylabels, rotation=0) | |
plt.title("任务安排示意图") | |
plt.xlabel("工作时间") | |
plt.savefig("result.jpg", | |
bbox_inches="tight", | |
pad_inches=1, | |
transparent=True) | |
# 功能:计算目标函数 1 的值 | |
# 输入参数:货架列表 list | |
# 输出参数:目标值 1 (target) | |
def calculate_single_target(pod_list): | |
x = np.zeros((n_pod, n_robot, n_pod), dtype=int) # 货架 i 是机器人 r 第 k 个转运的任务(0,1 变量) | |
tP = -1 * np.ones(n_pod) # 货架 i 被机器人拿起的时间,-1 表示未搬运货架 | |
tD = -1 * np.ones(n_pod) # 货架 i 被机器人放下的时间,-1 表示未搬运货架 | |
robot_condition = np.zeros(n_robot) # 每个机器人的工作状态(即完成当前工作时间) | |
n_robot_work = np.zeros(n_robot, dtype=int) # 每个机器人的工作数量 | |
selected_pods = get_selected_pods(np.array(A), n_commodity_type, n_pod, np.array(B), np.array(pod_list)) | |
selected_pods = list(selected_pods) | |
for i in range(len(selected_pods)): | |
selected_robot = select_robot(robot_condition) | |
tP[selected_pods[i]] = robot_condition[selected_robot] + Tp[selected_pods[i]] | |
tD[selected_pods[i]] = tP[selected_pods[i]] + Td[selected_pods[i]] | |
robot_condition[selected_robot] = robot_condition[selected_robot] + Tp[selected_pods[i]] + Td[selected_pods[i]] | |
x[selected_pods[i], selected_robot, n_robot_work[selected_robot]] = 1 | |
n_robot_work[selected_robot] = n_robot_work[selected_robot] + 1 | |
y = get_y(tD, selected_pods) | |
z = get_z(y, np.array(selected_pods), np.array(A), np.array(B)) | |
tH = get_tH(y, z, np.array(selected_pods), tD, Th) | |
target1 = max(tH + Th * np.sum(np.sum(z, axis=1), axis=1)) | |
# if not judge_constraint (x, y, z, tP, tD, tH, selected_pods): # 判断是否符合约束条件 | |
# raise Exception ("不满足约束条件") | |
return round(target1, decimal_Th), selected_pods | |
def get_x_y(pod_list): | |
x = np.zeros((n_pod, n_robot, n_pod), dtype=int) # 货架 i 是机器人 r 第 k 个转运的任务(0,1 变量) | |
tP = -1 * np.ones(n_pod) # 货架 i 被机器人拿起的时间,-1 表示未搬运货架 | |
tD = -1 * np.ones(n_pod) # 货架 i 被机器人放下的时间,-1 表示未搬运货架 | |
robot_condition = np.zeros(n_robot) # 每个机器人的工作状态(即完成当前工作时间) | |
n_robot_work = np.zeros(n_robot, dtype=int) # 每个机器人的工作数量 | |
selected_pods_temp = get_selected_pods(np.array(A), n_commodity_type, n_pod, np.array(B), np.array(pod_list)) | |
selected_pods_temp = list(selected_pods_temp) | |
for i in range(len(selected_pods_temp)): | |
selected_robot = select_robot(robot_condition) | |
tP[selected_pods_temp[i]] = robot_condition[selected_robot] + Tp[selected_pods_temp[i]] | |
tD[selected_pods_temp[i]] = tP[selected_pods_temp[i]] + Td[selected_pods_temp[i]] | |
robot_condition[selected_robot] = robot_condition[selected_robot] + Tp[selected_pods_temp[i]] + Td[selected_pods_temp[i]] | |
x[selected_pods_temp[i], selected_robot, n_robot_work[selected_robot]] = 1 | |
n_robot_work[selected_robot] = n_robot_work[selected_robot] + 1 | |
y = get_y(tD, selected_pods_temp) | |
z = get_z(y, np.array(selected_pods_temp), np.array(A), np.array(B)) | |
tH = get_tH(y, z, np.array(selected_pods_temp), tD, Th) | |
return x, y, z, selected_pods_temp, tD, tH | |
'''优化函数''' | |
# 功能:模拟退火算法 (SA) | |
# 输入参数:初始货架排序,初始温度,最终温度,降温因子,每次降温后循环次数 | |
# 输出参数:最优货架排序,最优目标值 1 | |
def tsp_SA(tour, initial_temperature, final_temperature, alpha, epoch): | |
start_time = time.time() | |
target1, selected_pods = calculate_single_target(tour) | |
best_target1 = target1 | |
best_tour = tour | |
T = initial_temperature | |
iteration = 0 | |
while T > final_temperature: | |
selected_pods_list = [selected_pods[i] for i in range(len(selected_pods))] | |
pod_list = [i for i in range(n_pod)] | |
random.shuffle(selected_pods_list) | |
random.shuffle(pod_list) | |
i, j = selected_pods_list[0], pod_list[0] | |
sol = [tour[i] for i in range(len(tour))] | |
sol_change = sol[:] | |
sol_change[i], sol_change[j] = sol_change[j], sol_change[i] | |
delta = calculate_single_target(sol_change)[0] - target1 | |
if delta < 0 or math.exp(-delta / T) > rando(): | |
tour[i], tour[j] = tour[j], tour[i] | |
target1, selected_pods = calculate_single_target(tour) # Move accepted | |
# is there an improvement? | |
if best_target1 > target1: | |
best_target1 = target1 | |
best_tour = tour | |
iteration += 1 | |
if iteration % (epoch * epoch) == 0: | |
T *= alpha # Decrease temperature | |
if time.time() - start_time >= time_constraint: | |
print('the iteration of SA is ', iteration + 1) | |
time_cost = time.time() - start_time | |
print(best_tour, best_target1, time_cost) | |
return best_tour, best_target1, time.time() - start_time | |
end_time = time.time() | |
time_cost = end_time - start_time | |
print('SA has been executed ') | |
print('the iteration of SA is ', (iteration + 1) // (epoch * epoch)) | |
print(best_tour, best_target1, time_cost) | |
return best_tour, best_target1, time_cost | |
if __name__ == "__main__": | |
np.random.seed(0) | |
decimal_Th = 1 | |
with open('plot_single_target.json', 'r', encoding='utf8') as fp: | |
# ensure_ascii=False 才能输入中文,否则是 Unicode 字符 | |
# indent=2 JSON 数据的缩进,美观 | |
json_datas = json.load(fp) | |
fp.close() | |
json_data = 0 | |
length, weight = json_datas[json_data]['length'], json_datas[json_data]['weight'] | |
n_pod, pod_limitation, loc_pod, loc_station = json_datas[json_data]['n_pod'], json_datas[json_data]['pod_limitation'], \ | |
json_datas[json_data]['loc_pod'], json_datas[json_data]['loc_station'] | |
n_robot, ratio_T, Tp, Td = json_datas[json_data]['n_robot'], json_datas[json_data]['ratio_T'], json_datas[json_data]['Tp'], \ | |
json_datas[json_data]['Td'] | |
n_commodity_type, commodity_limitation, A = json_datas[json_data]['n_commodity_type'], json_datas[json_data][ | |
'commodity_limitation'], json_datas[json_data]['A'] | |
total_order, n_order, B = json_datas[json_data]['total_order'], json_datas[json_data]['n_order'], json_datas[json_data]['B'] | |
Th = json_datas[json_data]['Th'] | |
print('The ' + str(json_data + 1) + 'th element of json file is successfully read') | |
time_constraint = n_pod * 3 | |
print('time_constraint: ', time_constraint) | |
iterations_main = 456 | |
pod_list_rank = [i for i in range(n_pod)] | |
tour_SA, target1_SA_temp_single, time_SA_temp_single = tsp_SA(pod_list_rank, 100 * n_pod, 0.01 * n_pod, 0.98, 5) | |
# 获取机器人及拣货人员的任务安排 | |
x, y, z, selected_pods, tD, tH = get_x_y(tour_SA) | |
robot_task = [] | |
for i in range(n_robot): | |
robot_task.append([]) | |
robot_task[i].append([]) | |
for j in range(n_pod): | |
for k in range(n_pod): | |
if x[k, i, j] == 1: | |
robot_task[i][0].append(k) | |
robot_task[i].append([]) | |
for j in range(len(robot_task[i][0])): | |
robot_task[i][1].append(tD[robot_task[i][0][j]]) | |
transform_y = [] | |
for i in range(len(selected_pods)): | |
for j in range(y.shape[0]): | |
if y[j, i] == 1: | |
transform_y.append(j) | |
break | |
human_task = [[], [], []] | |
for i in range(len(transform_y)): | |
human_task[0].append(transform_y[i]) | |
human_task[1].append(tH[transform_y[i]]) | |
human_task[2].append(tH[transform_y[i]] + Th * np.sum(z[transform_y[i], :, :])) | |
print('算法SA已经执行完毕,针对目标值' + str(target1_SA_temp_single) + '求解最优值为:' + str(tour_SA)) | |
print('对应的机器人调度安排为:') | |
for i in range(n_robot): | |
print('机器人' + str(i) + '调度安排:' + str(robot_task[i][0])) | |
print('对应工作的完成时间为:') | |
for i in range(n_robot): | |
print('机器人' + str(i) + '调度时间:' + str(robot_task[i][1])) | |
print('拣货人员拣货顺序:' + str(human_task[0])) | |
print('各货架开始拣货时间为:' + str(human_task[1])) | |
print('各货架结束拣货时间为:' + str(human_task[2])) | |
print('SA算法执行时间:' + str(time_SA_temp_single)) | |
# 绘制图形 | |
# (1)结果示意图 | |
plt_gantt(robot_task, human_task) |